Alchemy Journal website back online
Dear Alchemy Journal members,
We are pleased to announce that, finally, after many hours of work, the Journal's website is back and fully functional.
Although, at first sight, it may appear to be the same as before, it has in fact been fully updated to make the workflow for submission, review, editing, and publication of articles alot smoother and easier. Additionally, the site is safer now (running through https://), and the software updates should hopefully make another downtime like this much less likely.
You can now log in using your original user names/passwords and access all the issues online (from 2008 onwards), as well as submit any articles for future publication consideration.
If you do experience any problems logging into your account (or any other problems with the site), then please do not hesitate to contact us.
Our team would like to thank you for your patience and understanding during our downtime, and hope that you continue to enjoy our Journal.
Kind regards,
Alchemy Journal Team.